Pupil premium, recovery premium & sports premium


St Winnow C of E School has a duty to ensure every individual child is given the best possible chance to achieve their potential.

The government provides Pupil Premium funding, which is in addition to main school funding, to support eligible pupils.

The funding is used to provide a wide range of resources. At St Winnow School we use our pupil premium funding primarily to narrow the gap for disadvantaged pupils and supporting them in making better than expected progress in comparison to their peers. The majority of our pupil premium allocation is spent on teaching and curriculum resources – providing small group teaching in addition to the class teacher and in class support. Additionally, funding is provided to support pupil premium funded pupils in attending residential visits and trips (swimming, clip ‘n climb, the Theatre Royal and the aquarium to name a few)!

Children who are eligible for pupil premium funding include children who are eligible for free school meals and children whose parent(s) are service personnel.

Please contact the school office if you think your family may be eligible for pupil premium funding.